is one-year old

February 12th, 2006 Karine Joly 2 Comments

Yep, I’ve been blogging for a full year. Can you believe it?

I published my first post, “It’s a baby blog” on February 12, 2005 at 1:53PM.

When I started last year by a sunny afternoon (well, it might have been a rainy one ;-), I didn’t imagine this blog would bring me so much: a nice increasing readership, networking opportunities with interesting and passionate people, a good excuse to write, a regular column in University Business and a growing web hosting bill ;-)

If you’re a regular reader, you know that I passed the 100th-post mark last fall. The post you’re currently reading is #140, so I guess we can say my baby-blog has grown to become a lively and prolific toddler.

2 Responses

  1. Dan Karleen says:

    Congratulations, and I’m so glad you did launch it! Your blog is a huge inspiration. Here’s to many more anniversary celebrations. :)

    On a another note, how do you decide which posts to list under “Found this post interesting?”

  2. Karine says:

    Thanks, Dan!

    To answer your question re: “Found this post interesting”, I use a Word Press plugin that pulls randomly posts from the same category.

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