Yesterday I posted a screenshot of the homepage of the university website when I heard the news — only early in the afternoon as I was working on deadlines far away from any news sources. This morning I was able to retrieve an early version time stamped at 9:58 AM from Google’s cache. I’ll try […]
Archive for the ‘Website Stakeholders’ Category
Virginia Tech Tragedy: Crisis communication on the university website homepage
I’ve just read about the news… on a listserv. I worked on deadlines all morning and ate lunch in front of my computer far away from any news. In the listserv message, there was just a mention of a crazy event with 22 dead including students (33 according to the latest reports) at Virginia Tech, […]
Why should university alumni associations blog? Because… it works
Executive Director of the Caltech Alumni Association at the California Institute of Technology, Andy Shaindlin started a blog, Alumni Futures, targeted to his professional peers last February. In a post titled “Should Alumni Associations Be Blogging?”, Andy dares alumni associations to get in blogging mode, because blogs are great community-building tools: Here’s an idea for […]
Higher Ed TV: UNL’s RealNebraska (Part 2), from online videos to the TODAY show
Don’t worry, I don’t plan to run a five-part series on RealNebraska, the video show produced by the admission office of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. But, I HAD to tell you about this. David Burge, the host of the show and the associate director for admissions at UNL, posted a comment to my […]
Vassar College offers on-demand tours of its SecondLife campus
I’m just back from a short and random tour of campuses in SecondLife. I typed “university” and “colleges” in the search engine of the application to see what any regular visitor will find. My journey took me to a few different places including the SL Island of Vassar College. On Vassar Island, a small but […]
Higher Ed TV: “RealNebraska” from UNL, an entertaining way to communicate with prospective students
In November 2005, I wrote about this great show produced by the admission office of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. At that time, the episodes had just been made available as video podcasts a few weeks after the launch of the the video Ipod: It didn’t take too long to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln […]
SecondLife meets Voice Over IP: a promising voice chat test at NMC Campus
I’ve just spent a few minutes listening to lots of “Can you hear me, now?” at NMC Campus in SecondLife at the beginning of a stress test for SL integrated voice application. It’s supposed to be released in June. And, this was pretty exciting and very… clear. It sounded like a Skype conference call or […]
How universities and colleges communicate with their students’ (helicopter) parents
I’ve already posted about helicopter parents, this new breed of college parents. It’s difficult to ignore them when you work on a campus. And, we shouldn’t. Never has a generation of parents been so involved in their kids college life, which is why they have become one of our main target audiences (the fact that […]
CASE offers public access to my Currents article about Web 2.0 until April 15, 2007
I don’t know if Dennis Miller’s last post or Andrew Careaga’s ealier comment about the topic have helped make the case for open access I started when I submitted my final draft a few months ago. But, I’ve just heard from Andrea Gabrick, the CASE editor I worked with on my article about Web 2.0, […]
Campus Technology now offers news updates via RSS
With its new website redesign, Campus Technology has made the leap into the RSS age. The magazine targeted to higher ed IT and Web professionals now offers news and updates via an RSS feed. Go subscribe to it with your favorite RSS reader! Now, if only their newsletters had their own individual RSS feeds as […]
Higher Ed TV: Francis Ford Coppola on Hofstra University
Did you know that Francis Ford Coppola graduated from Hofstra University, the largest private university on Long Island, New York? I didn’t. And, I had never studied this institution’s marketing initiatives before I discovered this interview of Francis Ford Coppola on YouTube – as any prospective students or parents (well, anybody actually, but you get […]