Sorry for the short notice, but I completely missed the boat on this unique, exciting and FREE event happening in Second Life tomorrow: Second Life Best Practices in Education. Whether you have an SL avatar or not (if you don’t, you can sign up – it’s free), this is a great opportunity to get up-to-speed […]
Archive for the ‘Website Stakeholders’ Category
“Portal 2007 – up and running” at Gettysburg College on June 5-8, 2007: an affordable conference about web portals and CMS’s
After my post about a $0 conference for admissions folks, Gettysburg College’s Portal 2007 Conference looks like another option for higher ed professionals – working in web and IT departments, this time – interested in attending an affordable conference to learn a couple of things and network with their peers. The conference will take place […]
Anybody wants to attend a free conference about Web 2.0 in Nashville, TN on June 26 and 27?
It’s not exactly Christmas in June, but an offer worth considering, especially if your conference budget is gone but not your travel budget. What’s the catch? You have to be working in an Admissions office and the conference is organized by a consulting firm. Kristin Dodge Narjes (who works at this firm, James Tower, and […]
Higher Ed TV: Can Mozart’s poetry be music to prospective students and their parents’ ears?
Dennis Miller from Mansfield University has done a lot of great work creating and producing engaging podcasts to promote his institution to prospective students, their parents and the world. Lately, Dennis has been working on a new project, with video this time. In a recent post on his blog, “YouTube, Wrong Channel?”, Dennis was second-guessing […]
Register now for “Admissions Blogging 360,” a 3-webinar series on July 18, 25 & 31 featuring Nancy Prater (Ball State University), Ben Jones (MIT) and Sam Jackson
I knew admissions-sponsored blogging was a hot topic when I originally asked Nancy Prater and Ben Jones if they would present a webinar to share their experience and know-how. What I didn’t know is that both would be quoted extensively in an Associated Press story written by Andrew Welsh-Huggins and published in many newspapers and […]
Update about higher ed conferences and events: Higher Ed Experts Webinars, EduComm, EduWeb and HighEdWebDev
With the end of the semester (as well as most commencement ceremonies) behind us, things should finally start to slow down a bit for people working in universities and colleges. There’s no better time for you to think about professional development opportunities. So, here is the selection I’ve put together for you: “How to go […]
Straight from flickr to The University of Victoria features student photos selected by a panel of faculty members on its website homepage
I’m currently doing some research for an upcoming feature article to be published in the Canadian publication, University Affairs, which explains why I’ve spent some quality time lately with the websites of a few Canadian institutions. As I was looking for contact information, I noticed a photo at the bottom of the right column of […]
How do adult Americans like their technology? Pew Internet Life & Project’s Typology of information technology users
The Pew Internet Life & Project has just published its latest report: “A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users.” It is based on the findings of a daily tracking survey on Americans’ use of the Internet, data gathered through telephone interviews conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates between February 15 and April 6, 2006, […]
Register now for “Crisis Communication 2.0 Week,” a 3-webinar series on June 26, 27 & 28 featuring Michael Dame (Virginia Tech), Joe Hice (UF) and Andrew Careaga(UMR)
Some of you might remember the words of Michael Dame, Director of Web Communications at Virginia Tech, in his letter to his higher ed colleagues (that would be you) he asked me to publish a couple of weeks ago: I hope that in the near future, we’ll have the opportunity to discuss our experiences to […]
Higher Ed Experts Update: Already more than 100 registered members in 24 hours
Here’s a quick update about Higher Ed Experts, the new community-oriented website I’ve just launched. First, let me thank you all for your interest and support: more than 100 registered members in 24 hours… This has already expected my wildest dreams. I would also like to apologize to the dozen of vendors, consultants and other […]
Virginia Tech Web Team wants to thank you all
Just a quick post to share this message that Michael Dame, Director of Web Communications at Virginia Tech, asked me to pass to all of you: To our higher education colleagues, Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for your response to our tragedy here at Virginia Tech. Our web team has been overwhelmed by the […]
Virginia Tech Tragedy: Evaluating VT Web crisis communication plan
Inside Higher Ed is running this morning a must-read piece for communication professionals titled “Evaluating the Response.” Written by Andy Guess, this article reviews the tragic events from a crisis communication standpoint, provides a link to the University Relations crisis communication plan (last updated in February 2002) used Monday, and offers some light on the […]
Could Twitter be used as another communication channel in case of campus emergencies?
In the wake of the Virginia Tech Tragedy, many questions about crisis communication have been raised in campuses across the country and the world. Today, on u-webd listserv, a few Web professionals discussed possible text-messaging solutions. One of them (I didn’t get a chance to ask him if I could share his name) announced to […]