To learn how to measure your social media, email and web initiatives, register for Analytics 360 by March 1st, 2010

February 15th, 2010 Karine Joly No Comments

I know you are now all asked to do a lot more with less money, time and staff members.

I bet you are close to reaching the point where something got to give. You have probably realized that you cannot keep running to try to do everything – I did.

So, how do you decide which initiatives are worth your personal/staff time and your budget money?

With the help of a data-driven state of mind: you need to stop playing catch up, define your strategy for 3 to 12 months, take the time to set up proper tracking, measure the results of your marketing initiatives, evaluate what works and what doesn’t and made new choices. Rinse and repeat.

Believe me, it will help you find your focus back and stop spending your time on channels that just don’t work.

Don’t have the time to learn how to track and measure your different initiatives by yourself?

Just invest $350 to attend next month’s 3-webinar series: Analytics 360 and organize a viewing party at your institution (the registration fee will pay for a single connection, but you can book a big room and use an LCD projector with a screen).

Register for Analytics 360While anybody can set up Google Analytics on a website, making sense of all the collected data is actually a science and an art at the same time. But, it doesn’t take a 4-year degree to make sense of this data IF you get a chance to listen to two of the most passionate analytics practitioners in higher ed: Shelby Thayer and Joshua Ellis, both working at Penn State University.

As they did last year, Shelby and Joshua will share their expertise and tips with the attendees of Analytics 360 Webinars on March 10 & 11, 2010 as well as in a pre-recorded session covering the basics and including a demo.

Prerecorded session you can watch on-demand
Web Analytics 101: How to plan, start and implement a comprehensive analytics program
Shelby Thayer and Joshua Ellis will tell you all you need to know to jump start and fine tune your analytics program. After introducing the basics of analytics (goals, KPI, etc.), they will walk you through a Google Analytics implementation and explain how to set up your account to get meaningful results in no time.

March 10, 2010 1PM-2PM ET – Rain date: March 17, 2010 1PM-2PM ET
Advanced Analytics Techniques: How to track data, measure ROI and improve your web initiatives
Shelby Thayer and Joshua Ellis will help you get the most of your web analytics program by sharing best practices and good tips. They will demonstrate through a few case studies advanced analytics techniques using filters, segmentations, dashboards and more.

March 11, 2010 1PM-2PM ET – Rain date: March 18, 2010 1PM-2PM ET
Advanced Analytics for Marketing: How to track data, measure ROI and improve your email, social media, brand, SEO initiatives
Shelby Thayer and Joshua Ellis will show you how to use analytics to inform your marketing strategy no matter which communication channels you use. They will demonstrate through a few case studies advanced analytics techniques to evaluate email, offline, social media and SEO campaigns. Last, they will introduce the Google Analytics API and show you how it can be used.

Here’s what a couple of last year’s attendees said about Shelby’s and Joshua’s presentations.

  • We liked the combination of Shelby talking about the concepts/best practices of analytics before Josh showed our staff how to implement in GA. It forced them to think about what they were doing and why before the “how”.
  • As a more technical and experienced user, the presentations overall moved at a fast enough pace to provide a refresher, while not overwhelming a less experienced, non-technical user. I was able to pick up quite a bit about Google Analytics on day 2.
    Steve Leclaire from Monmouth University in New Jersey

Register by March 1st, 2010 (sooner than later as there’s a big chance this series will sold out before the registration deadline) at

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