Higher Ed TV: MIT Tech TV, a YouTube-clone for the Geeks?

January 31st, 2008 Karine Joly No Comments

How can you make your students and faculty members share their work and research with the world?

Give them the right tools: their own dedicated video-sharing website.

That’s what MIT is doing with MIT Tech TV, its own YouTube clone complete with video-sharing capabilities (including email and embedding code) and community-building features such as video producer profiles and comments.


So, what are exactly MIT Tech TV’s goals? Here’s the answer straight from the source:

  • Make it easier for members of the MIT community – and others – to find science, engineering, and MIT-related video on the web
  • Feature multimedia content appealing to and appropriate for people as young as 12
  • Encourage the creation of web video by members of the MIT community by making it easier to publish and host video content

MIT Tech TV is a collaborative initiative of the MIT School of Engineering and MIT Libraries Academic Media Production Services. Our technology partner, blip.tv, is a start-up that’s grown out of the videoblogging community.

MIT Tech TV is still in beta, but you can already find some interesting (and unusual) videos posted by staff, faculty or students:

How to fold the MIT seal in origami (a bit long, but an incredible video by Brian Chan

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While browsing the website, I also stumbled upon some videos by a group of freshman bloggers, the MIT Insite bloggers, a brand new initiative started this month at MIT. More about it in a future post.

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