Don’t have a Ph.D. yet? Get a blog!

February 27th, 2007 Karine Joly 5 Comments

My email box is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get… (yes, I stole this one from Forrest Gump ;-)

As you might assume I do get a fair number of requests and questions from readers via email, but I got a special message last week. I wanted to share this with you earlier, but work has been interfering more and more with my blogging lately.

What was so special about this email?

It just started by “Dear Dr. Joly”

I rest my case on the power of blogs.
Now, back to our regular blogging.

5 Responses

  1. Eric Stoller says:

    Congratulations on receiving an honorary degree ;-)

  2. Dave O. says:

    Heh, I got one of those today. I never correct them though ;)

  3. Went straight to doctorate, no ABD. What a relief.

  4. Kevin Guidry says:

    As if bloggers don’t already have big enough egos and enough unwarranted self-importance…

    (psst – check out MY blog! :)

  5. Mike says:

    You don’t even have to have a blog. When I sent out a news release about being hired here a couple of years ago, I got back a nice congratulations note from the Chronicle addressed to “Dr. Thornhill.” Not bad for a li’l ol’ BA.

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