How to showcase your faculty expertise with 10-minute weekly podcasts: California Western’s “Law in 10”

September 19th, 2006 Karine Joly No Comments

Podcasts and blogs are great ways to build long-term relationships with your target audiences and capture their interest (if not their heart). Thanks to RSS, it’s easy to turn casual web visitors into passionate regulars or dedicated evangelists.

That’s why blogs and podcasts are such great tools to showcase the expertise of your faculty members.

Franki Fitterer, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications at California Western School of Law, is doing a great job with the 10-minute weekly podcasts she has been hosting since August 24: Law in 10.

In these podcasts, Ms. Fitterer interviews California Western Law professors who “provide legal analysis on current news topics, all in 10 minutes or less,” as stated in the school’s press release about this initiative.

After listening to a couple of episodes, I can tell you that they are engaging – unless you’re really not into legal matters, of course – and short enough to pick the interest of anybody with the slight interest in law (school).

By listening to this institution’s legal experts, I can see how prospective students might want to learn more about California Law School’s programs. These podcasts might also help the school with its media relations. Radio or TV reporters looking for an expert to put in front of a microphone or a camera might be more inclined to call California Western after sampling these legal experts’ sound bites available 24/7 in the podcasts.

The podcasts even have their own dedicated address:, which makes it easier for users to remember where to find them if they haven’t subscribed to their feed yet.

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