Live from the Higher Ed Blogosphere: New ideas, new blogs & new projects in the higher ed design community

February 1st, 2008 Karine Joly 3 Comments

I don’t know if this is due to something in the water (or in the air), but the higher ed web community is bubbling with great new initiatives. Here’s a quick list of what’s going on.

Are you working on an exciting project? Post a comment below or email me at

3 Responses

  1. Karine –

    Thanks for highlighting the many new initiatives in the higher ed web community. 2008 is off to a great start.

    I would like to encourage everyone to join and participate on the new community website – While we currently stand at 346 members, the value of the site will grow exponentially as membership grows. I’m hoping that this site will become a great platform for higher education web professionals to connect and collaborate; as well as strengthen relationships with peers across the globe.

  2. Kyle says:


    Thanks for the publicity and link! I’m glad that you are enjoying the blog! University Web Developer has become a VERY active community in the last few weeks that is for sure! It’s been a great and exciting place.

  3. Drew says:

    Cool. Now I can plan in advance. This’ll help out with other people in my office who have busier schedules and need more advance notice.

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