Got something interesting to share about RSS, blogs, wikis and other Web 2.0 applications? Submit a presentation proposal to HigherEd BlogCon by January 31, 2006

December 8th, 2005 Karine Joly No Comments

As announced last month in a previous post, the first higher ed online conference about the so-called Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, etc.) will take place in April 2006 on a computer sitting on your desk.

You won’t need to submit a budget request to attend this conference (isn’t it nice?), but that shouldn’t prevent you from taking part in the conference as a presenter.

The call for presentation proposals is open until January 31, 2006. You will find out if your proposal is selected on February 20, 2006 and will have to send your presentation by March 15, 2005.

If you’re game, your proposal should have this format specified on the HigherEd BlogCon wiki:

“250-500 words, written. Proposals are a way for the review team to assess your contribution quickly. Please do not submit full presentations. Proposals should indicate the format in which you plan to offer your presentation (fully written, audio, screencast, etc.). They should also indicate whether you intend to present a longer thought piece or a shorter application-focused presentation.”

So, go check out the official call for presenters.

Got a question or comment?