Archive for the ‘Website Stakeholders’ Category

Educate your website stakeholders about the “Net Generation”

February 25th, 2005 Karine Joly 5 Comments

Sometimes hundreds of thousand words are worth more than a short executive summary, especially in higher education. Does your VP need some hard cold (read “printed”) facts before entertaining your latest web bugdet request? Is your admission office not convinced that it would be a good idea to offer instant messaging (IM) as a way […]

How does the University of Phoenix recruit online?

February 24th, 2005 Karine Joly 1 Comment

Have you ever seen the University of Phoenix’s online ads? Probably. They are everywhere on the Web: the Google and Overture text-ad networks as well as almost any banners featured on websites for students interested in distance learning. This major player in adult education must invest hundreds of million in online ad buy each year. […]

Need an idea for your next admission ad campaign?
Ask your prospective students!

February 23rd, 2005 Karine Joly 1 Comment

This is what St. Edward’s University has just done with its Student Ad Contest. Participants were asked to submit an ad concept for the university’s ad campaign “Learn to think.” Launched in September 2001, these ads decline the same theme by contrasting real-life situations and course titles. To get a chance to put their hands […]

From graduation to alum registration in less than 5 minutes

February 22nd, 2005 Karine Joly No Comments

In the last issue of its email newsletter, IAC has an interesting idea for colleges and universities wanting to keep in touch with their alums: First, it was an idea in the brain of Gary Toyne, the Alumni Director of Weber State University. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the computers he needed to get put his […]

Does your college/university website comply with the ADA?

February 21st, 2005 Karine Joly 2 Comments

Is it accessible to students, faculty or staff with disabilities? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 spelled out some specific requirements for higher education institutions. As quoted in a pamphlet about Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities from the US Department of Education, section […]

Is an image really worth a thousand words?

February 19th, 2005 Karine Joly No Comments

You’ve heard it. You’ve read it. An image is supposed to be worth a thousand words. And, it is… in most of the cases. In their latest research about eyetracking, Eyetrack III, The Poynter Institute, the Estlow Center for Journalism & New Media, and Eyetools have proved that images don’t always received more attention than […]

Blogging to redesign the website

February 15th, 2005 Karine Joly 6 Comments

Here is a very good idea from The Ohio State University (thanks to Will Richardson, the K-12 blog guru from Weblogg-Ed for the tip) . The Communication and Marketing Department at OSU has been using a web blog “to inform the Ohio State community about the process behind an upcoming redesign of (the) web site’s […]

How many admission marketing dollars should be spent on the web?

February 13th, 2005 Karine Joly No Comments

According to this article published in University Business last month, 31.6% of the total amount spent to recruit a student should be allocated to the College website and 11.1% on email communications. In her article, UB associate editor Alana Klein makes a very good case about the major role played by college websites in enrollment […]

A closer look at prospective students’ online performance

February 12th, 2005 Karine Joly No Comments

Today’s teenagers compose a good chunk of our prospective students and they can get bored very easily… even on the Web. According to a study conducted by the Web usability guru, Jakob Nielsen, websites targeted to teens “must be simple — but not childish — and supply plenty of interactive features”. Whether for school assignments, […]