For most PR pros, the holy grail consists of a very thick news clip book loaded with lengthy and focused pieces and a couple of TV tapes. When you spend your day pitching journalists and editors with ideas about your institution, it’s natural to be eager to share your own success stories: the resulting articles […]
Archive for the ‘Website Stakeholders’ Category
A new take on admission blogs targeted to prospective students and their parents
I’ve already written a lot about “admission blogs,” blogs maintained by current students hand-picked by Admission offices to provide prospective students and their parents with a glimpse at the college experience. Whether they are maintained by individual bloggers or a group of blogging students, these blogs can provide real insights on the freshman experience while […]
A very good example of admission viral marketing at the Franklin & Marshall College
“Word of mouth” is the new buzz word in the world of corporate and higher ed marketing. If you can create a message so compelling that prospective students want to pass it along to their friends, you’re definitely aheadf in the college recruiting game. And, sometimes creativity hits right on target as it does in […]
Illinois Institute of Technology President is blogging and… inviting comments
When comments are open and not filtered, blogging isn’t for the faint of heart. That’s what Illinois Institute Technology‘s President, Lew Collens, has probably realized — the hard way? — after a few posts in his 26-day blogging experiment with the new communication channel: the President’s Blog. “This blog, which will be live from now […]
Karine writes about higher ed podcasting in print – and online – at University Business
I’ve crossed over to print — well, technically it’s more a come-back as I started my professional life writing for traditional media (newspapers, magazines and even radio). Last Fall, Tim Goral, the Editor of University Business and a reader of, sent an email to your favorite blogger and made an offer I could not […]
Top 3 reasons to get your university/college president blogging
As I wrote in the introduction of an interview with Michael Crow, ASU President, he is one of the first higher ed presidents to see blogging and podcasting as efficient communication channels with his different constituents. President Crow isn’t the first president-blogger, as Lou Anna K. Simon, MSU President, has been blogging since January 2005 […]
3 questions to a higher ed blogger: Michael M. Crow, Arizona State University President, from “The President’s Post”
The Arizona State University President is one of the first higher ed presidents (well, he is probably the first. If you know another, let me know) to blog and podcast on a regular basis. He has been blogging at “The President’s Post” since early December and plans to start podcasting every week this month. With […]
ASU President to become the first university president-podcaster
President Crow from Arizona State University is a pioneer when it comes to the new Web2.0-enabled world of higher ed public relations. After launching his blog, “The President’s Post,” last month, Michael Crow has just announced today on his blog that he will soon start to podcast on a weekly basis: “On a separate but […]
Want to get your university admission officers blogging? Show them these admission blogs by their peers!
Over the past few months, a lot has been written about freshmen blogs initiated by higher ed admission offices to give prospective students a taste of the college experience at their institutions. Whether they are maintained by individual bloggers or group of blogging students, these blogs can provide real insights on the freshman experience while […]
Top 10 must-read blog posts for Higher Ed Executives on in 2005
When I launched last February, my plan was really to blog for Web professionals as well as people in charge of Web marketing, PR or communication. With this specific audience in mind, I’ve written a few posts intended to be shared with executives. Lately, I’ve realized that several higher ed executives (a few department/service […]
2 examples of student group blogs used by higher ed admission offices
As you know, a lot of admission offices in universities and colleges across the country (and probably the world) have started to use blogs maintained by current students to give to high school students a preview of the college experience at their institutions. At Ball State University and other institutions, admission offices recruited a few […]
The University of Alabama swaps iTunes for targeted prospective students’ email addresses
Friends are very precious, but iPods can be ferocious. Even if a 99-cent song doesn’t seem to be such a big deal, feeding the small digital beast can become a costly habit, especially on a college student’s budget. The people in charge of student recruitment at the University of Alabama have not only realized it […]
Iowa State University promotes its language programs with podcasts
Information about academic programs ranks very high in what high school students are looking for on a college/university website. This is why the podcasts produced by the department of foreign languages and literatures at Iowa State University are a very, very good idea. As announced in an article titled “Podcasts are being used to bring […]
Educate your director, VP or president about why your institution should podcast
In a previous post titled “How to educate your director, VP or president about Podcasting”, I pointed you to a few articles about podcasting and its use in higher education to help introduce the notion to your manager. If you were able to pick his/her interest with these links, you might want to push a […]
3 questions to a higher ed blogger: Dean Dad, a dean blogging anonymously at “Confessions of a Community College Dean”
“Dean Dad” is the pseudonym used by a dean who has been blogging anonymously at “Confessions of a Community College Dean” since June 2004. I’ve already told you to check out his blog as it really offers interesting insights. Dean Dad has also recently written a very good piece for Inside Higher Ed titled “Deaning […]
Educate your VP or President with this Business Week’s primer on social networking websites
I’ve already posted about the online social networking phenomenon that has taken such a big place in our students’ life. However, an article published by the good old mainstream media will probably have more resonance with your boss and your stakeholder. If you want to educate your director, VP or president about this topic, Business […]