Today Virginia Tech remembers – so does its website

April 16th, 2008 Karine Joly 2 Comments

At Virginia Tech, Mike Dame and his team have been working on this day of remembrance on the Web for a while and the result is another beautiful piece of Web design on the homepage:

VT Day of Remembrance

A dedicated website has also been created for the event at

VT Remembrance Website.

This is how Virginia Tech remembers, how do you? Share with the rest of us by posting a comment.

2 Responses

  1. Brian Faust says:

    I am continually impressed, inspired and humbled by the talent and professionalism of VT’s web staff. They do a fantastic job.

  2. JC Clough says:

    Mike Dame and his team set the bar for all others to be measured. Beautiful, thoughtful design in a sensible layout with easy navigation. The webcasts, photo galleries, bios and podcast all complement each other to give a high level of engagement and quality experience. Great work.

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