Higher Ed BlogCon: the first online PR conference for higher education will be held in April 2006

November 17th, 2005 Karine Joly 2 Comments

Some very interesting people have been planning quietly a great event: an online conference modeled after Global PR Blog Week 2.0 that will try to address all the new developments on the Web that have started to shake up the higher ed PR world.

Available to the public this morning on Dan Forbush’s wiki, The Future of PR, the conference overview pre-document promised some very interesting things for April 2006:

Higher Ed BlogCon will focus on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, vblogs and other digital tools in the following areas:

  • Instruction
  • Public Relations, Marketing & Advancement
  • Websites and Web Development
  • Library & Information Resources
  • Student Life (or “Student New-Media Initiatives”)
  • Faculty Blogs

There are a few familiar faces and bright minds among the planning committee members:

As usual, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on this conference.

The good news is that you won’t have to struggle with your director or VP to get the bugdet to attend this conference – it will take place on the Web.

2 Responses

  1. Scott Crow says:

    i’m enjoying the krug piece on usability . . . very interesting. thnx for this blog; as someone in the higher-ed field (at a small public college) i struggle with how to make it all work and your content really helps . . . well done!

  2. Dan Karleen says:

    Hey Karine,
    Thanks for highlighting the upcoming event. We’re expecting to provide more detail in the next few weeks, but I can confirm that in addition to looking at how the tools of new media are impacting higher ed PR, Higher Ed BlogCon (scheduled for April 2006) will also explore how the new tools are impacting classrooms and learning, information resources, and websites and web development, among other areas.
    Thanks for spreading the word!

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