Take part in the 1st #highered web analytics conference: Submit a proposal by Nov 30!

Calling all higher ed web analytics friends to the rescue


Well, thanks for stopping by my higher ed web analytics friend!

After spending the past 3 years blogging, surveying, writing, benchmarking, presenting and helping educate the higher ed community on the beauty of web analytics, I’ve finally decided to organize the 1st online conference on higher ed web analytics:

Higher Ed Analytics 2013 (HEA13 for short and… twitter) to be held on February 6, 2013.

Want to help advance the web analytics practice in higher education?

Make sure you share your web analytics expertise and experience in 2013 by submitting a presentation proposal for the Higher Ed Analytics 2013 conference.

I’m looking for proposals going beyond the same old same analytics presentations at higher ed conferences.
I hope we can put together a good mix of short (10- or 20-minute) sessions that would ideally cover some (or all) of these important topics:

Why an ONLINE conference?

Even though I would love to believe that Web Analytics has gone mainstream in higher education, we are not there yet.

With an online event, travel isn’t an issue and more people can participate!

Ready to fill out the Higher Ed Analytics 2013 conference call for proposals?

Make sure you submit your proposal ASAP as I will start to review them as soon as they come in.

If you submit early, it gives me a chance to ask any question I might have… and as a result it gives you a better chance to be selected :-) And, it really pays to present as all presenters will get one free online pass worth $400 to attend the conference with their team.

Not ready to present, but want to attend the conference?

We will have a limited number of seats as the online room is capped at 100 seats.
You can sign up to receive conference notifications if you don’t want to miss anything.

Get conference updates!

Got questions?

I love questions! Just post your question(s) below or you can also email