How do #highered institutions use Social Media and Web Analytics in 2012? Take this survey now to find out!

If you’ve read this blog for a bit, you know that I’m a strong believer in data-driven marketing decisions. What’s so wonderful with the online world is that we can tag, track, segment and analyze almost anything our target audiences do.

After I realized in 2010 that we didn’t use online analytics as much as we could in higher education, I tried to start a revolution (or a crusade?) to change this and help our industry (and your institutions) see how data can really help everybody make decisions, prioritize budgets and even spend time only on what works the best.

Over the past 2 years I’ve written numerous articles and blog posts on the topic, given several conference presentations, conducted benchmarking surveys or other research and even launched last September the first 4-week course entirely focused on Online Analytics in Higher Ed – hopefully moving the needle a little bit in favor of analytics in higher ed.

So, how are we doing today in terms of social media and web analytics?
It’s time (again) to find out with the 3rd edition of the State of Online Analytics in Higher Ed Survey.

This is a 1-page survey with a few questions (if you’ve taken the survey last year, you’ll see I’ve only made minor changes). The goal is to create the 2012 Analytics report card for our industry – and establish if/how things have changed compared to 2011 and 2010.

If you complete the survey now, you will receive via email an executive summary highlighting the main findings.

I’m also scheduled to present on the topic at the following conferences in the next few months.

As a result, I’m also actively looking for a few more great case studies to feature in these sessions. If you have done something noticeable with analytics, let me tell the world about it :-)

And, If you’re game we could even include in my presentation a short pre-recorded video interview of you sharing your success story. I’ve done it in a few presentations in the past – and it was great (a bit like if you were actually presenting at a conference even if you can’t attend it).

So, how do you go about this?
The first step is to take the survey and include your short case study when asked (it’s not required to complete the survey though). I’ll be in touch before April 10, 2012.