Want to find out about the State of Online Analytics in #highered? Complete the survey by May 12, 2011

For the past 12 months I’ve been researching, writing, presenting and advocating the role online analytics can/should play in higher education marketing.

Whether on this blog, at the Higher Ed Analytics website or with the monthly benchmarking higher ed analytics survey, I’ve spent countless hours doing what I could to push the online analytics agenda in your respective institutions.

In a sense, this 2nd survey on the State of Online Analytics in Higher Ed will function as the report card for what I thought could be the higher ed analytics revolution. Since last year I’ve learned that revolutions do take time, dedication and… a group of engaged revolutionaries.

Anyway, while things aren’t moving at the pace I wish they were, there has been some progress (and broader interest illustrated by recent articles about analytics in the Chronicle of Higher Education and CASE Currents). So, it’s time for measurement to find out how far higher ed has gone with analytics over the past 12 months.

If you want to find out where higher education is heading in terms of web and social media analytics, just take this short 1-page survey by May 12, 2011.

All the survey respondents will receive the executive summary of the main results.

And, if you want to get a quick refresher on last year’s results, just check out the slides of the presentation I gave about the topic last year at EduComm and EduWeb and the executive summary of the 2010 survey results.