Back at #eduweb for a presentation, a revolution and hopefully great conversations

I’ve just arrived at the DoubleTree Hotel in Chicago for eduWeb.

My last eduWeb was in 2008: I met great folks, gave the closing keynote and… it took me 2 days to make it back home from Atlantic City due to flight delays in Philly :-)

The conference starts this Monday (tomorrow) with a few workshops in the morning followed by the keynote, Brand ArchiTECHture: Building Your Brand on the Web & Managing to Make it Thrive, presented by Terry Flannery from American University.

My session is scheduled just after the keynote (well after a short break so they can prepare the rooms) at 3:30PM CT. It’s about web analytics and measurement strategy.

Measure Twice, Cut Once: 7-Step Plan to Your Measurement Strategy for Online Marketing
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, email marketing, web advertising, mobile web and more: so many marketing and communication channels, so little time and money. With tight budgets and an ever increasing portfolio of new electronic tools, measurement isn’t optional anymore, but goes far beyond the creation of a Google Analytics account. Find out how to create and implement a measurement strategy that will inform your decisions and focus your efforts on what works in higher education and for your institution.

This session will also mark the official kick off of the higher ed analytics revolution I’ve been talking about – so if you’re at the conference, come start something big with us! I’ll share more details along with the results of our previous survey and my slide deck with everybody else after the presentation on this blog.

I’m also at the conference to learn more about what YOU are doing through the presentations but also the conversations – so, please come say “hi” if you see me at the hotel or in the neighborhood.

If you want to pitch an idea for a future webinar at Higher Ed Experts, don’t be shy. Come tell me about it. I’m always looking to recruit new speakers.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to do any serious live blogging (yeah, we used to do that before Twitter – and I kind of like it) because my laptop battery has just died on me, but I’ll try to recap the best of the sessions I attend with the help of a fantastic hand held device: a notebook :-).