is 4-year old and gets a new design for its birthday

Today, I’m celebrating a big anniversary (what can I tell you, I’m just another vain blogger ;-) as turns 4 years old.

Yep. 4 years. What a journey since my first post written on WordPress 1.2!

The blog has now more than 1,400 RSS subscribers, 600 or so newsletter readers, around 10,000 monthly visitors – depending on the months – and definitely a life of its own.

So, thank you all for browsing, reading, bookmarking and forwarding my posts.

As you can see, I decided to throw in a fresh new look to celebrate this milestone (and if you’re reading this on your favorite RSS reader, I even took the time to include before/after screenshots) — if you’ve been sticking around enough, you know that this new theme is the 3rd one for



I know there are still some quirks here and there, so please consider this new version a work in progress.

And, if you can spare 2 minutes, why don’t you tell us when you started reading this blog and how you found out about it?