Higher Ed Bloggers edit and fact check the Chronicle of Higher Education

Yes, you’ve read my headline correctly: bloggers editing and fact checking the main media outlet covering higher education in the US.

So, what do I mean exactly?

In the past weeks, two posts from two different higher ed bloggers have questioned some of the facts reported in two different articles published by the Chronicle.

I get edited and fact checked all the time by my readers (which is very good as I don’t have an editor to do that job on this blog – wait a minute, it’s because I’m the editor here ;-), and I really appreciate it.

What’s really interesting about these 2 small incidents is that they are indicative of a bigger trend.

Today, nobody (including your college, university or even you president) can expect mishaps, mistakes or even major crises to stay hidden or unnoticed for long, because millions of eye balls (or a dozen of keen observers) are “monitoring” your institution and can share what they uncover with the world on their blogs, via facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.