Calling all good souls going to EduWeb on July22-24: Guest blog the conference for!

Are you going to the 2007 EduWeb Conference in Baltimore on July 22-24?

Well, you’re lucky, because you’ll get a chance to listen to Mike Dame, director of web communications at Virginia Tech, presenting a shorter version of the webinar he presented for Higher Ed Experts: From the Inside Out — Lessons Learned in Web Crisis Communications after the Virginia Tech Tragedy.

Just look at what I read in the post-webinar evaluations filled out by the attendees:

Anyway, if you go to EduWeb, just make sure you don’t miss Mike’s presentation (and if you don’t, you can get your hands on the recording of his session as well as the two others as the Crisis Communication 2.0 Week series is now available on-demand)

But, let me get back to the core topic of this post.

This year again, my schedule is preventing me from attending eduWeb (July and August are always crazy months for me), which is why I’m looking for one or two more good souls who would consider guest blogging — i.e. email me detailed notes of one or two (or more) presentations you attend.

A couple of people have already contacted me to volunteer, but there’s so much to blog about at this conference, that I thought I’ll ask you all again.

Last year, seven readers blogged the conference and they loved it (some said it helped them to connect with other fine attendees)

Need more reasons to be convinced?

What can I say? Fame, glory, good karma and a byline on your favorite blog — to show to your coworkers. Not sure yet? Come on, just do it for the team! If you work for a vendor (yes, I know you’re also reading) and want to cover a different session than your own, you’re also welcome.

Interested? Please email me at ASAP, so I have an idea of which sessions will be blogged.