Higher Ed Experts Update: YouTube Webinar — the good, the bad and the ugly

It’s been about 2 hours since the first inaugural webinar of Higher Ed Experts ended.

As I said to the attendees at the beginning of the webinar, this free session was also a “stress test” for the web conferencing application… and it succeeded in pushing my stress level to the roof.

The whole webinar experience wasn’t as good as planned (poor would probably be a better term) and I want to apologize to both presenters and the attendees for providing such a bad experience.

Four different issues have been identified:

I’ll be updating I’ve updated all the HEE registered members and especially the ones who have already registered for the other webinar series on the next steps via email by Tuesdaytonight and announced I’m switching to WebEx, the leader of the web conferencing market, but I wanted to share these issues and my plan to fix them with everybody so you can hear it from the source.

If you have questions or concerns about HEE, please email me at