Vassar College offers on-demand tours of its SecondLife campus

I’m just back from a short and random tour of campuses in SecondLife. I typed “university” and “colleges” in the search engine of the application to see what any regular visitor will find.

My journey took me to a few different places including the SL Island of Vassar College. On Vassar Island, a small but nice campus, visitors are invited to sit in a red and black flying saucer (well, not exactly, but that’s what I thought about when I saw it the first time) to take a guided tour of the premises.

During the tour, I was told by my flying machine how the institution uses different spots of its SL island such as the castle or the media garden.

Once the tour was over, I left a note on the comment board where visitors can leave notes for Bret Rydell, the SL name of the person responsible for this island – another very neat way to offer interactivity even outside of business hours.

BTW, if you haven’t read yet, Sardionerak’s report about Australian SL campuses, you should as he does a great job comparing three different ways to handle an SL presence.