Why should your Web team attend the 2018 Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference? [#HEW18 Preview]

THE conference to kick off your summer web projects at your school – no travel budget required!

Now that your graduates have graduated and the whirlwind of campus life is slowly calming down, the real Web work is going to start at your school, right?

Summer projects FTW!

If you’re looking for some inspiration, fresh ideas and best practices nicely packaged in a 3-hour online conference (because the Travel Budget Fairy forgot you this year), you should definitely check out the program of the 2018 Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference taking place in 2 weeks, June 13, on a computer near you.

I’ve spent the day yesterday (as well as a couple of hours the day before) watching the 12 sessions on the conference program as part of #HEW18 Preview Day.

And, wow, this is really going to fun and super useful!

I’ve seen a dozen of great 10-min sessions presented by dedicated and skilled higher ed web professionals, presentations all focusing on the art and science of creating, maintaining, launching and redesigning higher ed websites.

Short, to-the-point, applicable – no fluff included, just the golden nuggets! :-)

But, what’s in it for YOU and your team?

Scroll (or slide) down through this Wakelet (a really cool alternative for Storify) to find out more about some of the topics we’ll cover at the 2018 Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference.

A conference focusing on higher ed WEBSITES?

The 2018 Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference (now available on-demand!) is a must for higher ed web professionals and teams looking for inspiration, ideas and best practices to kick off their summer projects.

Read below what a few of your higher ed colleagues who attended the 1st edition of the Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference say about the experience.