Gone Digital, Going Strategic: Dawn & Rise of the #highered Digital Pros [SCREENCAST]

10-year of #highered digital history & career tips in 30 minutes

Last Monday I got a chance to give a presentation about the rise of the higher ed digital professionals (web, social media, digital communication and marketing pros) at the UB Tech Conference in Orlando.

I’ve spent many hours researching, interviewing 5 great rising digital leaders and preparing this talk since January.

The presentation I gave earlier this week was recorded and is now available on-demand on the UB Tech website for people who attended the conference or bought an on-demand pass (you can also get access to all the keynotes and several other sessions with this).

This is great, but I wanted to make sure YOU could also see this session (and maybe share it with your boss or grand boss in case they still think digital is just a fad ;-).

So, I recorded a 30-minute screencast version of this talk yesterday. It’s not perfect, because it wasn’t scripted or edited. What you’ll see is the first take.

Screencast & Session Description

This 30-minute screencast of my talk includes some context about the evolution of digital in higher ed, major changes, important skills and video excerpts from the Google Hangout hour-long interviews I did with 5 of your colleagues to prepare this talk.

Gone Digital, Going Strategic: Dawn & Rise of the #highered Digital Pros

What difference can a decade make in higher education? The past 10 years have changed everything for digital professionals working in universities and colleges across the country. In 10 years only, the typical “web person” has moved from a cubicle in the basement next to – ok, in – the web server room to the corner office on the third floor. As social media, mobile and more have been added to the digital plate, many professionals had to hit the ground running repeatedly, but yet managed to mature into a rising generation of digital communication and marketing campus leaders. In this session, you’ll hear about the decisive moments leading to this major shift and learn the strategies the most successful digital professionals have used to get a seat at the decision table. You will also get an overview of the major trends that will impact your digital job in the future and what you can do to get ready to tackle these new challenges.


What do YOU think?

Do you agree with my take on what happened in higher ed over the past decade?
Do you have any advice to share with your peers on how to advance their digital career in higher ed?

Share your feedback by posting a comment!