10 posts to celebrate 10 years of blogging about #highered and #hesm marketing

This post is #10 in a series of 10 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this blog while looking back at the past decade in higher ed digital marketing and communications.

10 for 10

When I decided to start this series of blog posts early this month, I didn’t set an editorial calendar.

I’ve blogged with the flow – like I did 10 years ago when I started this blog.

Had I not been as busy as I was (hosting a conference, working on the program for another and taking care of our professional certificate students), I would have loved to write a few more posts on other important topics. So, I might revisit the past decade a couple of more times in the next few months.

With this 10th post, I’m going to cheat a bit and just make it a recap of the previous 9, so you can access the whole series if you missed a post or two :-)