Win a free pass for the eduWeb conference featuring Jeff Selingo, @chronicle editor-at-large

Helping you learn and grow in your higher ed career

After introducing Tony Dunn’s keynote this past Monday at the HighEdWeb WEST conference in Orange, CA to a great group of higher ed professionals, I’m very pleased to announce that Higher Ed Experts is going to help another conference, eduWeb, bring to you a great speaker in Boston this July.

And, you know why you should really care about the news?

— because YOU have a chance to win a free conference pass to attend eduWeb (a $650 value), as Shelley Wetzel, the conference director, has accepted my request for a free pass to be drawn among you, my dear readers :-)

You will be able to attend the whole conference (you have to pay for your travel and lodging expenses though) – and you will have a seat at our reserved table (in the front) during this keynote.

Jeff Selingo at eduWeb thanks to Higher Ed Experts support

Jeff Selingo, the author of “College Unbound” and editor-at-large at the Chronicle of Higher Education, will present the second keynote at the eduWeb conference on July 30.

If you haven’t had a chance yet to listen to his talk on the College of Tomorrow, this is a wonderful opportunity to get updated (and maybe worried a bit) about the future of higher education.

I haven’t read his book yet, but it’s definitely on my reading list for July, so you’ll hear about it soon on this blog.

I’ve heard a lot of feedback about Selingo’s book though – some loved it, others not so much.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, technology has been very disruptive in our sector (and Mark Greenfield has been warning us about it for the past 5 years with his talk on the flattening of higher education).

Blame the MOOCs, the economy or tuition rise, but the future looks uncertain.

This is why Jeff Selingo’s talk is so important for higher ed web, marketing and communication professionals.
This is why Higher Ed Experts has decided to sponsor this keynote.

So, how can you win the FREE eduWeb Conference pass?

Super simple.

Just post below a short comment to tell us why you want to attend the eduWeb conference next month in Boston (originality is welcome, but not required as the winner will be randomly drawned among entries :-).

You have until Tuesday, June 11, 2013 (end of the day) to post your comment, but do it now before you forget.

I’ll announce the name of the winner in my newsletter next Wednesday, at the top of this post and will email him/her as well (so make sure you include your email address when you post your entry).