Take the 2013 State of the Mobile & Responsive Web SURVEY in #highered to get the report!

So much has changed over the past 12 months in higher education.

Last January, only a few higher ed professionals had started to see responsive web design as an option to serve mobile users.

Now, RWD is on everybody’s mind in the higher ed web development community.

What is the current state of the mobile and responsive web in higher education?

Is higher education there yet when it comes to supporting mobile and other connected devices?

Since 2011 I’ve run a yearly survey on the state of the mobile web in higher ed to find out where our industry stands (here is last year’s report)

Whether or not your institution has a mobile or responsive web presence, please take the survey as I’m trying to assess the big picture.

The survey includes a few questions about your institution as well as questions about your mobile solutions (or plans), strategy, budget, tools, vendors, budgets as well as lessons learned.

If you’re in charge of the mobile web at your institution, it should take you between 3 and 6 minutes to fill out (25 questions).

How has mobile traffic evolved on higher ed websites for the past 2 years?

This year I’ve also introduced 2 important (but optional) questions to allow us to benchmark the evolution of mobile and tablet traffic on higher ed websites.

You will need to have access to your Google Analytics account to be able to retrieve this data using the default segments for mobile and tablet traffic.

In this 2-min screencast, I’m showing you how to do this if you’ve never done it.

Please take the time to complete this important survey now.

It will close on January 25, 2013, but you’d better do it now so you don’t forget (that happens to me all the time :-)

Sharing is caring — please let your network know about this survey

I need your help to spread the word about this research (hey, you can just use the social button on the right side of this post).

Whether you blog, tweet, facebook, linkedin with/for higher ed folks, you can help let the higher ed community know about this survey. The more data I’ll be able to collect the more interesting the insights I’ll be able to share :-) So, thank you very much for any help you can provide.

4-week online course: Mobile & Responsive Web Design for Higher Ed
(asynchronous with weekly lessons and assignments)
ONLY 10 seats per session