What #highered pros should learn this year: Share your 2012 Learning Resolutions!

I’ve already said (and written) it many times: one of the things I love the most in higher education is the fact that we can (and have the duty to) learn all the time.

No matter how the learning happens, it is always nurtured, welcomed and valued in our small community (and, I know, it makes sense as we are in the business of educating others whether we actually teach or not).

Since I started to work in higher education (wow, it’s going to be 10 years in a few months), I’ve learned a great deal of things, skills and lessons. Beyond the blogging and reporting about best practices in web, marketing and communication in higher ed I do on this blog, I spend a great deal of time designing, scheduling and promoting learning opportunities for higher ed professionals via my professional development business, Higher Ed Experts.

As a result, learning is part of my daily job: I’m always trying to find out what YOU will need to learn in 6 months, a year or 5 (and to be honest, I have no clue what you will need to learn in 5 years, but I do plan to stick around enough to be there in 4 to tell you then ;0)

But, my interest for learning goes far beyond. I’m a life-long learner – and I don’t plan to become a recovering one any time soon ;0)

This year again, I have a long list of “things” I want to learn: responsive web design techniques (to learn the nitty gritty of what I’ve started to preach), quantitative business analysis, more advanced research methods and a few more things about entrepreneurship as well as marketing and communication.

I’m also very excited to teach the first session of the 8-week online course about social media marketing campaigns for higher education for Higher Ed Experts in just a few weeks as well as – if things go according to plans – the second session of the 11-week graduate course on social media marketing for the MBA in social media at SNHU later this Spring.

Responsive web design, mobile web, web analytics, social media, content strategy, web writing and project management among others are on my higher ed learning radar for 2012.

What about you?

What do you think higher ed professionals should learn in 2012?

What do YOU plan to learn this year?

Tell us by sharing your 2012 learning resolutions. Post a comment below!