Social Media Success Tip #1: Don’t toss the TOS

Have you ever read Facebook Terms of Services or promotion guidelines, Twitter Rules or LinkedIn User Dos and Don’ts?

If you have, congratulations! You are among the (happy?) few.

How can I be so sure?

I regularly come across examples of institutions (and companies) conducting social media initiatives on these platforms in breach with these rules. And, if you have a closer look at social media practices in higher education and elsewhere, you can also easily spot several of those “outlaws” these campaigns breaking the TOS or other guidelines supposed to govern the use of these services.

Don’t want to take my word for it?
How about a couple of real examples?

Both social media campaigns were very successful and, in a way, got away breaking the TOS or guidelines of the social media platforms they used.
But, your next social media campaign might not be that lucky – and you shouldn’t invest your time on an initiative that could be shut down overnight without the possibility of any appeal.

Social media is a new territory for marketing and communication, but it should not be seen as a digital Wild Wild West.
So if you’re planning a new social media program on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, don’t just follow your own social media policy. Make sure your initiatives comply with the following TOS or guidelines:

FYI, this post should also be cross-posted on CASE Social Media blog. Starting today, I’ll write a blog post for CASE every month. Watch for my posts there on the second Tuesday of the month.