Let’s find out about the State of the Mobile Web in #highered

There has been a lot of chatter about the mobile web in higher education for the past week after the Chronicle published “As the Web Goes Mobile, Colleges Fail to Keep Up,” an article written by Josh Keller.

According to the title of Keller’s article, the state of the Mobile Web in higher ed ain’t pretty.

In the higher ed web community, some agreed, others disagreed with the Chronicle’s conclusion.

So, why not try to find out with a survey about the State of the Mobile Web in Higher Ed?

Whether or not your institution has a mobile web presence, please take the survey as I’m trying to assess the big picture.

The survey includes a few questions about your institution as well as questions about your mobile solutions (or plans), strategy, budget, tools, vendors, budgets as well as lessons learned.

If you’re in charge of the mobile web at your institution, it should take you between 3 and 6 minutes to fill out (25 questions).

Survey is open until February 11, 2011.

Take the survey now to make sure you’ll get the results!

And when you’re done, go watch this recorded episode of Higher Ed Live with Dave Olsen from Mobile in Higher Ed.