Find out how NCSU Libraries built their mobile website

I’ve just finished watching the recording of a live webinar about the mobile website of North Carolina State University Libraries: Library in Your Pocket: Strategies and Techniques for Developing Successful Mobile Services.

This free 60-minute webinar was presented by David Woodbury, Libraries Fellow and Jason Casden, Digital Technologies Development Librarian at North Carolina State University to an audience of about 400 Educause members on January 20, 2010.

The session was really interesting as it provides a good overview of the project as well as a few great recommendations for going mobile, tips that can be applied to any mobile website (and not just libraries’).

Like the institutional mobile website, NCSU Libraries’ mobile website was based on the MIT Mobile Web platform and developed in about 3 months by a team of 3 working between 25% and 40% of their time on this project. You can check it out at

Here are a few good tips I retrieved in the notes I took during this session:

You can also have a look at the short YouTube video they did to promote this mobile website – nice production:

Want to learn more?
You can access the webinar recording and the presentation slides online at Educause.