Go to the Xpert Summit in Las Vegas on February 26 & 27, 2009 for free

This is the second installment of my new series dedicated to vendor deals and other bargains to help you survive and thrive with tighter budgets.

After the first installment about a very interesting offer to send up to 10,000 email per month for free for institutions with non-profit status, this time we’re talking about a discount on a conference fee for the next Xpert Summit taking place in Las Vegas next month.

Organized by Brian Niles’ Target X for their clients – mainly folks working in admissions offices or in charge of marketing/communications to prospective students, this conference is open to others, but for a $200 fee.

Brian and his team are regulars on the conference circuit and are always providing great value (without too much pitching in their presentations). So, when Adrienne Bartlett, Client Concierge at TargetX, emailed me with this offer, she got my attention.

What’s the deal?

If you’re looking to get some practical tips on email, social media or college visits, to network with some of your peers and can find a good deal on hotel & travel, you can attend this year’s Xpert Summit for free even if you’re not a client. That’s a $200 saving.

What does the fine print say?

Be prepared to listen to some sessions including some product information – hey, it’s a user conference after all.

Want to have a look at the schedule and the different sessions?
Just download this PDF file.

How do you get started?

If you’re interested and want to sign up without paying the $200 conference fee for non-clients, just email Adrienne and to get the fee waived let her know you’re a reader.