Top 10 most viewed posts (published in 2008) on

It’s that time of the year to reflect about what was done (and written) during the last 12 or so months. In the past (in 2005, 2006 but not last year though), I compiled a few lists of blog posts for you.

So, here is another one: the list of the top 10 most viewed posts that were published in 2008 on this blog – each of them was viewed more than 1,000 times, so I guess you might want to add them to your reading list if you skipped them previously.

  1. How to get a branded YouTube channel for your institution in just a few easy steps
  2. How to transfer your Facebook group members to your Facebook page
  3. Don’t upload your higher ed video to YouTube (or other video-sharing websites) before doing these 5 simple things
  4. After 2 dorms were destroyed by a tornado and its website went down, Union University relies on a blog and its Facebook page for its online emergency communications
  5. Northern Illinois University: Another tragedy unfolding on the website homepage
  6. Facebook pages now support Flash, HTML and photo uploads by users
  7. OSU’s new homepage includes a tag cloud for most popular links
  8. Admissions Offices spend twice more of their budget on print than on electronic student recruitment methods
  9. Email, Gmail, Hotmail and Beyond: Outsourcing email for better and worse?
  10. Get the report about the state of advertising and sponsorship in print and electronic higher ed publications