Higher Ed Magazines: Gone Digital, Going Paperless?

June 12th, 2008 Karine Joly No Comments

My third UB column for 2008 is now available in the June issue as well as online: “Magazines: Gone Digital, Going Paperless?”

You’ll find in this column 4 tips from several of your peers (including Karl Bates from Duke University and Bonny Griffith from Ithaca College) to get you started.

With the help of this blog’s readers and the members of Higher Ed Experts, I’ve also compiled a list of some good examples of digital magazines/newsletters published by higher ed institutions.

You can find this list – that I’ll keep updating (send your links to karine@collegewebeditor.com) – at www.collegewebeditor.com/digitalmags.

If you want to learn more about the topic, you should also consider attending “Stop the Presses: Why and How to Go Digital with your Magazine,” a 3-webinar series scheduled on June 24, 25 & 26, 2008. For more information and to register, just visit www.higheredexperts.com/stopthepresses.

By the way, if you are a University Business reader who has just discovered collegewebeditor.com, welcome! Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog via RSS or email.

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