Higher Ed TV: Caps and Gowns 101 by UCLA Newsroom

Commencement season is upon (or behind) us, and this Youtube video produced by UCLA Newsroom is very timely.

I got the tip in an email sent by Seth Odell from UCLA Newsroom starting with “Hello higher ed friends” (Geez, and I thought I was special — Next time, how about just “Hi” or “Hello,” so I can have the illusion that you’re just writing to me, Seth? ;-)

By YouTube standards, the video is very long: 5 minutes and 30 seconds. The editing isn’t particularly fast-paced and it doesn’t include any engaging tunes.

However, the tone is pretty lighthearted, and I actually learned something about the meaning of all these different pieces of fabric. I also liked the recap of the learning outcomes at the end of the video.

I still think that some tighter editing would make it even better, but it’s definitely worth your time – especially for a summer Thursday afternoon.

What do YOU think?