Check out the results from a survey about CMS in higher education

A couple of months ago, Elliot Lopez, Project Manager for University Communications at the University of California, Davis created a survey about CMS (as in Content Management System) in higher education.

Elliot just emailed me to let me know that the results including answers from 129 institutions have just been published on his team blog:

Initial highlights include:

  • Over 60% of respondents are in institutions currently using a Web CMS
  • Institutions were more likely to employ open source or custom-developed solutions over proprietary/commercial systems
  • Most instances of Web CMS systems are small, centralized deployments of under 40 sites and 40 or fewer total users
  • Individual units or departments are generally not billed for use of the Web CMS
  • Over 75% of Web CMS adopters provide formal training to users
  • Most Web CMS adopters would choose the same system if they had to do so again
  • Overall, there were no clear-cut “market leaders” in the broad field of Web CMS solutions identified by the higher ed institutions that responded to the survey. However, Plone and Drupal – both open source solutions – are in relatively heavy use.

You can get the survey report for free as web pages with nice charts.

I’m sure CMS vendors will be checking out these results, so make sure you do too.