Live from HighEdWebDev 2007: 12-Step Program to Better Blogging

So, I gave my presentation about my 12-step program to better blogging and managed to turn it into some kind of stand-up comedy act this afternoon at HighEdWebDev as Vista – loaded on the laptop made available to the presenters by the organizers (note to self and tip for all of you: if you have your laptop, use it) – started to go through my slides… automatically.

At the beginning, I wondered if it was some kind of cool feature (yeah, I know, “cool feature” with a Microsoft product – what was I thinking?) bringing up the next slide on an audio cue of some sort. It wasn’t. For a strange reason, PowerPoint was configured to move to the next slide after a certain scheduled period of time.

Very neat.

Thanks to the technical support provided by 2 attendees of the session (big thanks go to John who managed to make it work), I was able to resume the presentation.

I created a special web page including the resources I discussed in the presentation (slide handouts, the 1-page checklist and all the links) as well as 10 tips by higher ed bloggers (a tip by blogger). You can find everything at

If you’d like to read about the presentation from a third-party, Gabriel McGovern did a short post about the session on his blog.