HighEdWebDev 2007: Got an idea for a presentation? There’s still time to submit a proposal before the new deadline of June 12

A day after the initial deadline of May 31st, Doug Tschopp, the conference program chair of HighEdWebDev, announced the decision to extend the deadline to June 12.

As I explained in my previous post
, it’s very simple to submit a presentation proposal for this great conference to be held on October 14-17 in Rochester, NY.

You just need to prepare a short 200-word description of the session you’d like to present, pick the format (1-hour, 30-minute, poster or workshop sessions) and include your contact information as well as a short bio. Then, everything can be submitted online (just make sure your session title use proper capitalization as the online form will remind you if it doesn’t).

This year I’ve finally managed to submit a proposal for an hour long presentation. And, if I did it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t.

So, here is the online form – again, the new deadline is June 12, 2007.