Higher Ed TV: Francis Ford Coppola on Hofstra University

Did you know that Francis Ford Coppola graduated from Hofstra University, the largest private university on Long Island, New York?

I didn’t.

And, I had never studied this institution’s marketing initiatives before I discovered this interview of Francis Ford Coppola on YouTube – as any prospective students or parents (well, anybody actually, but you get my point) interested in Coppola will by doing a search on the famous director’s name:

As you might expect, this interview offered in 2 parts on YouTube is professionally produced.

It also includes a dream-come-true-for-marketers sound byte from the director:
“If I ever had a moment in the sun, it was at Hofstra.”

This is definitely a great example on how to capitalize on your alums’ successes. And, they don’t have to be Francis Ford Coppola to make this work.

By uploading the video interviews of your successful alumni, you offer the living proof of what an education at your institution might lead prospective students to – a proof that can be easily shared among friends and family members.

Powerful, isn’t it?