Live from HigherEdBlogCon: How to get your boss, your colleagues or yourself up-to-speed with new media

Need a quick way to introduce your boss, his/hers or the board to online new media or as I like to call it PR 2.0?

Look no further than Dan Karleen’s 10-minute screencast prepared for HigherEdBlogCon.

Dan’s presentaion is actually composed of a screencast, links and the transcripts of 3 interviews with Paul Baker, Erin Caldwell and yours truly.

In my answers to Dan’s questions, I give a few tips, make a shameless plug for my latest UB column about PR 2.0 and offer anybody who emails me at a free Bloglines account already set with a selection of the best higher ed RSS feeds available. If you already have an RSS reader, I’ll be happy to share the OPML file so you can import the feeds at once.

So, why don’t you email your boss, VP or your colleagues a link to this post? They might get interested and become RSS users!