Last call to get a chance to win a US$ 30 gift certificate from iTunes or Amazon

First, let me wish you the best for 2006! You deserve it.

And, how would be a $30 gift certificate from Amazon or iTunes to start with?

Pretty nice, especially if you only need to answer 10 questions to get a chance to win such a certificate

If you have already answered my Readers’ Survey launched before the holidays, you don’t need to do anything. But, let me thank you for your insightful answers and suggestions. Initially scheduled on January 1st, the draw will be done tomorrow before 8AM ET.

This means that those of you who haven’t answered the survey yet get a few more hours to help me improve in 2006 and to get a chance to win the certificate.

So, please take 2 minutes to answer my 10 questions. That’s the right thing to do!