What are high school juniors looking for on a college website? <br>Top 10 most popular activities, Top 5 most valuable info & Top 15 expectations

In my previous post “What are high school juniors looking for on a college website? Financial aid calculators, tuition calculators and online applications,” I commented about some of the results from a survey conducted on a sample of a 1,000 high school juniors to find out what they expected from higher education websites.

The PDF version of this 6-page report “Navigating Toward E-Recruitment” is now available for download.

I’ve found a few additional interesting points in this full report prepared by the consulting firm, Noel-Levitz:

Top 10 list of the most popular activities:
1. Submitted an inquiry form—72%
2. Completed an online survey—50%
3. Personalized a site —39%
4. Forwarded a page—34%
5. Used a tuition calculator—33%
6. Read a student profile—31%
7. Read a faculty profile—26%
8. Submitted a campus visit request—25%
9. Used a financial aid estimator—24%
10.Completed an application online—22%

Top 5 list of the most valuable information on a college website:
1. Scholarship information
2. Tuition and fees information
3. Academic programs/majors
4. Financial aid information
5. Careers or internship information

Top 15 list of the most common expectations towards a college website:
1. Use a financial aid estimator—90%
2. Use a tuition calculator—88%
3. Complete an online application—86%
4. Fill out a campus visit request—84%
5. RSVP for events online—75%
6. Submit an inquiry form—73%
7. Complete an online survey—72%
8. Use instant message with a counselor—70%
9. E-mail a faculty member—70%
10. Read a profile of a faculty member—69%
11. Forward a page—63%
12. Read a profile of a current student—63%
13. E-mail a current student—63%
14. Read profiles of alumni—59%
15. Personalize a Web page—58%

Along with these very interesting results, this report presents 10 recommendations. So, you should definitely download, print, read or share the PDF file. It’s a good read.