Educate your website stakeholders about the “Net Generation”

Sometimes hundreds of thousand words are worth more than a short executive summary, especially in higher education.

Educating the Net Generation, a collection of essays published by Educause should help you spread the word that Web 101 isn’t enough anymore in colleges and universities.

A quick glance at the table of contents reveals what seems to be a very promising resource.

Did I say that this 267-page book is free, and that you can download the full PDF version (careful, it’s 4.5 MB) as well as any chapter in PDF and HTML from the table of contents?

If you want to learn more about it, there’s also an interview of the book co-editor Diana G. Oblinger by Scott Jaschik on Inside Higher Ed.

I’ve just read a few excerpts, but it looks very interesting. So, go get it! I’m sure it’s a very good choice for your weekend readings.